Countdown to Christmas!
Here we are, November. Ah, it seems like only yesterday I was out trick or treating with my friends...
But never mind that. IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS!
Christmas the time of fun laughter and free gifts form people you love or somewhat care about a little. Even if you don't like them you still feel like you have to give them a hug or hand them a cookie. But, if you really hate them then you feel liek you have to pee on thier house, or hit thier dog with a lawn mower. (Don't ask me why you would be using a lawn mower in winter, it's your house)
But, to get to the point. I am just going to reveal my Wish List for christmas.
1. A 80GB PS3
2. Two Sixaxis controllers for said PS3
3. Little Big Planet (PS3 Game)
4. Grand Theft Auto 4 (Also a PS3 Game)
5. A memory stick for the PS3 (I want to transfer data from one PS3 to another)
There. That is my wish list for Christmas 2008.
why were you trick-or-treating, your 14?
Free candy for the win. Why wouldn't you trick or treat? Exactly. Also! Allowed to leave the house and RUMMAGE through the streets. That's right I said rummage.